This post is more like a showcase, I am not diving deep into any technical topic here.
Here is a picture of the 20 panels, facing south, on a morning in December:

History & Map
The company where my father is employed has recently equipped several factory buildings with additional solar panels. The total capacity of the upgrade is more than 200 kWp. Here is a picture of the western side:
We ordered some additional panels, batteries and inverters from the same manufacturer that we just installed successfully on our garage. We installed nearly 16 kWp, 38 modules in total: 20 are facing south, 9 facing east and 9 facing west.

Home Assistant
I did not check the manufacturer's compatibility with tools like Home Assistant before, because we wanted to keep the installation as similar as possible, so the decision was made without my approval.
The happier I am with the decision: RCT Power, a German company, located in Konstanz, near the Bodensee.
When I searched for the company online, I quickly found this Repository, containing a Home Assistant integration ready to use with their products.
And after following the instructions, I was able to create this Energy Dashboard: