1 min read

[Micro] Change Wallpaper on iOS automatically

Before Christmas, I bought a Google TV Streamer and installed the Projectivy launcher. When I took a closer look at the settings, I found the function to set wallpapers from the Subreddit r/darkwallpaper that is updated every X minutes.…

1 min read

Sideloading on iOS - Signulous [Part 2]

After I started with Sideloading on iOS using SideStore back in October 2023, it didn't take long until I was annoyed of refreshing my Apps every 7 days. Luckily, the EU came in and introduced official Sideloading in the EU.…

1 min read

My favorite features of iOS

I have used Android for the past 10+ years, so my iOS knowledge is not very good. The only experience I had was many years ago with a iPod Touch 4th Gen and an iPod Touch 7th Gen, where I was able to use iOS 16.…

2 min read

Sideloading on iOS - SideStore [Part 1]

During the weekend, I found a very cool piece of software, which lets you sideload .ipa files to the latest iOS version: SideStore, which is a community driven fork of AltStore. Let me shortly explain how I set it up and what problems I did face.…