Before Christmas, I bought a Google TV Streamer and installed the Projectivy launcher. When I took a closer look at the settings, I found the function to set wallpapers from the Subreddit r/darkwallpaper that is updated every X minutes.…
In the last weeks I did some work to tune my Ubuntu VPS server where my blog is hosted at. I will describe the steps I did and what problems I did face.…
This is just a short article which describes how to change the lock sound of your Tesla car to a custom audio file on USB.…
I will briefly summarize why I am making this decision, why I am making this change now, and how the DevOps Engineer job has changed my habits, both professionally and personally.…
Die Tage war ich auf der Suche, nach System Apps, die das Material You Design von Google implementieren. Dabei habe ich eine App fĂŒr Tap Gesten auf der RĂŒckseite des Handys gefunden, die mir sehr gut gefĂ€llt.…